Extensive research reveals only limited information regarding this structure's origin. The chapel's construction was apparently completed in 1687 by a group of monks who had fled religious persecution in their own country. There is no remaining record of what country they came from, or to what religious order they belonged.

The monks met only at night and the noise issuing from the chapel during their meetings greatly upset the nearby villagers. Strange chanting and screaming were often heard, along with noises some said were not human.

Eventually, the monks were accused of conducting human sacrifices. On a Halloween night in the year 1692, while the monks were gathered in the chapel, an angry mob barred the doors from the outside. They then guarded the windows with pitchforks and set fire to the building. None of the monks are thought to have survived.

The chapel stood empty and abandoned for over 200 years. It quickly gained the reputation of being haunted, and people began avoiding the area. There were rumors that when the moon was full, you could still hear the chanting of those mysterious monks.

In 1924, the building was purchased by Reverend Horacio Stiggs, an evangelist from Chicago. Having heard of the chapel's dark reputation, Reverend Stiggs intended to restore the building as a proper house of worship. He spent a large personal fortune buying building materials, and hired some of the finest craftsman in the country to begin designing the new interior. When Reverend Stiggs first stepped foot into the actual building, he immediately went completely insane, spending the rest of his life in a mental institution.

The chapel again sat vacant and shunned until the summer of 1974. It was then used as a temporary recording studio by a rock band named The Derfs, who were amazed by the acoustic properties of the location. A short film they had intended to make, featuring some of the chapel's interior, was called off after the camera operators began experiencing all sorts of unusual technical problems, including frequent images of what appeared to be ghosts in their footage. All of this film was deemed unusable and was destroyed.

The band's record company received a disturbing telephone call from the group's recording engineer late one evening near the end of July. The band was in a state of terror, claiming the chapel was filled with menacing apparitions. The musicians and all of their crew decided to immediately abandon the building, boarding the band's tour bus and heading for the nearest highway. None of them were ever seen again.

The music recorded by The Derfs in this ruined chapel was said to be completely unlike anything they had previously written or performed. The tunes were gentle, beautiful and tremendously sad. Unfortunately, no one has ever been able to hear any of it. The music was released on cassette tapes, 8 track cartridges and vinyl records. But no matter what the format, any type of player used is immediately destroyed when trying to play the music.

The abandoned chapel still stands, avoided by all who live anywhere near it. And they still say you can hear chanting coming from the ruined structure when the moon is full, as well as a few occasional strains of electric guitar.