(Film Maker, Actor, Screenwriter)

Born in Atlanta, Georgia in May of 1977, Bill moved to Wyoming in 1978 to live with his grandfather and step-mother on the family ranch. After seeing the film “Ghostbusters” in 1984, Bill was hooked on the industry of making films. In 1993, while taking Video Productions Class in Douglas High School, Bill, along with some very good friends, made his first short film called “In The Dark,” which earned him an A+ in the class and started the fire of film making that has lasted well into the 2000’s. Currently, Bill and his friends are in the pre-production stages of his first feature-length film, titled “The Legend of Midnight Manor”. It will be based on Bill's 1993 short film “In The Dark”, and Bill is planning to begin principal photography for the film in the fall of 2007.

Some of Bill’s favorite films are: “The Haunting”, The “Ghostbusters” series, “The Hearse” and many others. Although he enjoys horror films the most, he also enjoys a number of other genres of film, and a variety of musical styles.

You may contact Bill at the following address:

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